Untad FMIPA Establishes Cooperation with the Central Sulawesi Industry and Trade Service

[MIPA News] 28 August 2020
On Friday morning date 28 August 2020 located at the Office of the Industry and Trade Office of Central Sulawesi Province, on Jl. RA. Kartini Palu, The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between FMIPA Untad and the Department of Industry and Trade of Central Sulawesi has taken place. The signing was carried out by Mrs. Darmawati Darwis, PhD. as Dean of FMIPA and Mr. Richard Arnaldo Djanggola, S.E., M.S.A., as Head of Department. This note is an Umbrella of various collaborative activities that have been, currently and will be implemented in the future.
The existing collaboration has been initiated by Dr. Ruslan, S.Si., M.Si (head of the Department of Chemistry FMIPA) and Mr. Donny Iwan Setiawan, ST., MM (head of UPT PSMB (Goods Quality Testing and Certification)). Various forms of cooperation, included in the implementation of student internships and research will be expanded, included in the implementation of the Independent Learning-Independent Campus program. Hopefully the collaboration will be more productive, give a new spirit for Chemistry Study Program which is preparing itself for accreditation, and can provide benefits for FMIPA alumni and the wider community. (INS)



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