Early Dwi Yunia, The Best Graduate of FMIPA Untad at the Tadulako University Graduation- 112

Congratulations to Early Graduation Dwi Yunia S.Si. (G30118047) which today was at the Tadulako University graduation ceremony to 112 won the title of FMIPA's best graduate accompanied by her father "Agus Yuliadi".

Dini specifically received congratulations from the Chancellor and Provincial Secretary. Central Sulawesi (Moh. Faizal Mang MM. representing the Governor), along with representatives rector. While completing studies in the Chemistry Study Program/Department, Early finish final project under the guidance of Dr. Ahmad Ridhay |, S.Si., M.Si. and Jaya Hardi, S.Si., M.Si. (as well as a Lecturer Guardian). With a scientific work entitled “Effect of Mass Ratio of Chitosan Alginate Immobilized Bromelain on Cream Coconut Milk in Making VCO", Dini was able to complete her studies in time 3 Year, 5 graduate from 24 Days with GPA: 3,85 and the predicate passed with “Praise/Cumlaude”.

In the Tadulako University graduation ceremony to 112 which took place today, followed by a number of graduates/wati 1366 New graduate from 11 Faculty and Postgraduate. There are as many FMIPA alumni who took part in this graduation ceremony 91 people from 7 Prodi. New graduates are superior human resources who have academic capital and skills that have been obtained during college. The Chancellor and Governor hope that Untad graduates and alumni will continue to provide the best not only for parents and families, but also to the people of the nation and the country, should not be a burden on the government and be able to play an important role in driving the people's economy, not just looking for a job, but it is also hoped that it will be able to create jobs.

Hopefully FMIPA alumni are able to answer the hopes and challenges in the future by continuing to excel when working in the community. The Chancellor also advised alumni to keep working hard, because they still contribute in that way, to improve the Accreditation of the original study program and Tadulako University.

Congratulations to the Best Graduates, Congratulations to all FMIPA graduates, Congratulations to all KoProdi and all FMIPA lecturers. (INS)



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