Present the Vision and Mission, These are Dean Candidates for the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNTAD

Located in the Hall room, The General Election Commission Team of FMIPA UNTAD held a presentation on the vision and mission of the Dean candidates on Monday (22/05/2018). This activity was attended by Faculty Leaders, Lecturer, Employees, to UNTAD FMIPA Students.

There are two candidates for the Dean of FMIPA namely, Dr. Husain sosidi, M.Si and Darmawati Darwis, S.Si, M.Si., Ph.D. Each kandindat well displays the Mission Vision that will be implemented if elected as Dean.

Dr. Husain sosidi, M.Si when presenting the Vision and Mission in the FMIPA Hall

Darmawati Darwis, S.Si, M.Si., Ph.D when presenting the Vision and Mission in the FMIPA Hall

In his speech, Prof.. Dr. Ramadanil, M.Si as the Dean explained that as faculty of innovation The achievements that have been made by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences are providing many innovations and contributing ideas to UNIVERSITY. Such as the proposal for the uniformity of the MKDU that was proposed by FMIPA, proposing diplomas and transcripts in text form bilingual or bilingual which is currently used by all UNTAD faculties, Joint class for MKDU in the FMIPA scope, to absences and online-based Siakad which is a solution in reducing paper use and environmental pollution.

The Dean also expressed his gratitude to the Organizing Team and hoped that whoever was elected to be the leader of the Faculty must keep the MIPA Faculty family together., hopefully to be an act of worship for the hard work that has been done by the committee. We hope too , whoever is elected later in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences environment will be the next captain, must be able to accept and maintain kinship in the FMIPA environment.

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