Untad Mangrove Health Tester Team Wins Gold Medal in International Competition

Three Students from Tadulako University (Untad) succeed won a gold medal in an international competition, namely World Young Inventors Exhibition (WYIE) organized by International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition (ITEX), online at Kuala Lumpur Convention Center Malaysia on Monday - Tuesday, 13 – 14 December 2021

Known, WYIE is an international competition for local to international inventors and research scientists to present their inventions and innovations to the business community interested in commercialize unique inventions.

The three students, namely Dian Septiawati, who came from from the Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Public Health and two students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) i.e. Rafiqa Wulandani from the Physics Study Program and Khofifah Indah Pratiwi Syahrudin from the Department of Biology.

Their innovation with the title Mangrove Health Tester: Arduino-Based Mangrove Health Detection Innovation as The First Step in Mitigating The Tsunami Disaster in Palu City, Central Sulawesi managed to deliver all three won gold medals under the guidance of one of the biology majors FMIPA Untad, Muh. Iqbal, S.Si., M.Si.

The Mangrove Health Tester is a tool for monitoring the health of mangrove plants in certain substrates.

"The function of this mangrove health tester is to find out Mangrove trees can grow at the right temperature and pH. According to the lecturer our guide, This mongrove will grow in a suitable place for the substrate. If not, then the tree will not grow. So that with the tools It is hoped that this will be able to monitor mangroves planted on certain substrates can develop well or not," said Rafiqa to the FMIPA Untad Media Team

"So in the tool there are several sensors. There is temperature sensor, sensor Ph, coordinate Global Positioning System (GPS) and cross water” he added.

The basic idea of ​​the innovation departs from the problem in Palu City, which is a tsunami-prone area. Mangrove plant is a plant that can reduce water waves when a tsunami occurs. So it is necessary to monitor their health.

"Because Palu City, especially in Palu Bay, is vulnerable tsunami, We also hope that with this innovation, people can plant and monitoring mangroves on the coast. One way to find out the mangroves live well, namely by monitoring their health”. Clear Khofifah

He continued, he says, in the process of taking The research data was carried out in several places, namely in Tawaeli District, City Palu three times and on Gonenggati Mangrove Forest Tour, Ward Big Kabonga, Banawa District, Donggala Regency four times.

On the same occasion, Khofifah one team members advised fellow students to have the courage to try to take part in the competition and find a mutually motivating environment.

"We are students", must dare to try. Because we don't know behind that uncertainty, that's where our door to work. And if you can find a supportive environment, sometimes we also need friends who support to grow motivation from within us" he said.

Meanwhile, Rafiqa advised not to hurry give up trying and find a relationship that makes us comfortable to develop.

"If I'm the first, do not give up. We Yesterday, you didn't pass the Student Scientific Week (PKM) until PIMNAS. But after That's why we tried to join WYIE and it turned out that our sustenance was there. So do not give up trying. other than that, try to find a relationship that makes you comfortable develop. So you meet people who can support each other.” Close it.




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