External Monitoring and Evaluation of PKP2 Preparation by the PKM FMIPA UNTAD Team

25 July 2024, FMIPA PKM Development Unit invites 15 teams that have passed the Student Creativity Program funding (PKM) to take part in preparation for program progress assessments (PKP2). This activity is a series of mentoring activities for the PKM FMIPA UNTAD team.

External monitoring and evaluation is carried out by Prof. Andi Dian Permana, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D as evaluator. He is the best PKM accompanying lecturer and is successful in guiding 10 teams that qualify for funding and 7 teams that qualify for PIMNAS 2023. This mentoring activity aims to prepare the PKM team ahead of PKP2 so that the FMIPA PKM team is better prepared both materially and mentally to present the progress of research carried out by each team..

Thanks to the evaluation provided by Prof. Andi Dian Permana, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D, Deputy Dean for Student and Alumni Affairs, Mr. Apt. Syariful Anam, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. We hope that this activity will open up the horizons of the students of the PKM FMIPA team so that during PKP2 the PKM FMIPA UNTAD team can provide more interesting and innovative presentations of ideas.. We hope that by holding this PKP2 preparation, many people will be able to pass until the 37th PIMNAS.



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