18 The UNTAD FMIPA Student PKM Team participated in the Closing Activity for the Progress Assessment of the Implementation of the Student Creativity Program (PKP2) Year 2023

In order to support students to be creative, innovative, and cooperative objectives in building intellectual diversity, The Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs KEMDIKBUD organizes the Student Creativity Program (PKM) Year funding scheme 2023. As much 5.102 title of the PKM proposal funded by assessing the progress of implementing the Student Creativity Program (PKP2) online on date 16-27 October 2023. In this activity, as much 18 The PKM team from FMIPA UNTAD has reported the progress of its research activities on PKP2 activities. PKP2 is carried out by delivering activity performance by the PKM Implementation Team, by showing relevant evidence, for further discussion or clarification of the results of the activity.

One of the PKM-KC teams (Creative Will) from Fmipa which carries the theme of Renewable Energy with the title: “AquaGen: Microcontroller-based Power Generation Smart Cells from Ocean Waves” has completed this level of PKP2. Member of Ayu Anggarani Lokha Sarwi, Wahidah, Alfi Syahrin Suarno, from the Physics Study Program and under the guidance of Mr. Agung Danu Wijaya M.Sc., This team was able to realize a prototype that had been adapted to the high sea wave conditions of Central Sulawesi 0 – 0,5 m. The prototype was created by applying Faraday's magnetic induction principle with microcontroller control to convert ocean energy into electricity.

Have the motivation to create a tool to convert calm ocean wave energy into electrical energy while reducing the impact of using conventional energy which is harmful to the environment. AguaGen's work was displayed at the PKP2 activity in front of the jury, and documented on the following social media:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pkmkc.aquagen

YouTube: https://youtube.com/@PKM-KCAquaGen

The results of PKP2 will be one of the bases for providing recommendations and determining the PKM Implementation Team who will be invited to take part in PIMNAS. Hopefully together with other PKM teams from Fmipa and Untad, they are able to achieve higher achievements at national and international levels.



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