[Fmipa News] start date 28 December 2020 for a period of up to four years, The Chemistry Department will be led by Dr. Nurhaeni with the secretary of the Dr . department. Mirzan. After previously kajur, Dr. Ruslan and SekJur, Dr A. Riday completed the task and successfully brought the Chemistry Study Program to obtain an A accreditation from BAN-PT. now is the time for the new Kajur and Secretary to continue the struggle to bring the Chemistry Department and study program to be better according to very dynamic developments inside and outside the campus world.
Today the new Kajur and SekJur, start the task with a discussion with the faculty leadership, to build synergy in implementing programs for the future development of the Chemistry Department. The target to be achieved is in accordance with the accreditation criteria and in accordance with the KPI (Key Performance Indicators) as outlined by the Minister of Education and Culture. Hopefully the new Kajur and Secretary can bring Chemistry Departments and study programs to continue to excel. Congratulations on carrying out the trust for Mrs. Nurhaeni and Mr.. Mirzan. (INS)