FMIPANEWS. The pandemic is not a barrier for students to make achievements or make innovations. One example has followed suit various competitions. National Student Creativity Competition (KKMN) Year 2020 is an activity organized by Gadjah Mada University. Carry the theme "Creativity Facing the New Normal", these activities were carried out starting from 10-15 June 2020 and race announcements at the date of 15 August 2020.
Muhammad Akriyaldi Masdin, Statistics Department student of FMIPA UNTAD, who also poured ideas into KKMN, succeeded in becoming the Favorite Champion Sulawesi cluster in the written idea competition branch. Title “Potency Flavonoids in Guava Leaf Extract (Psidium guajava) and Orange Peels (Citrus Sp.) As an Inhibitor of ACE-2 Enzymes in Corona Virus ", Akriyaldi stated that The idea is a combination of the two sciences, namely pharmacy and science statistics. Akriyadi also said that his writing departed from current problem, where the number of patients affected by covid is increasing so a solution is needed to reduce the transmission rate.
"I use statistics to describe the condition data that the number of people affected by Covid is increasing, so from that problem I need a solution.. Now the COVID-19 drug is still in the research process and the potential of natural ingredients is the same as chemical compounds that have receptors that can inhibit the growth of COVID-19, So from several plants that have potential compounds to inhibit the Covid-19 virus receptor, namely Angiotensin Converting Enzyme-2 (ACE-2) guava plant ( Psidium guajava ) and citrus plants ( Cirtus Sp. )"He said. (FIA / FMIPA)