FMIPA NEWS. Two students, Moh. Akriyaldi Masdin dan Moh. Said Jali, who is a part of the Statistics Team of FMIPA UNTAD, has won 1st place in the Statistical Analysis Week for Students in Indonesia. The competition is a series of the National Statistics Jamboree IX which was held at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Mulawarman University on 13-14 March 2020.
The stages are the race participants must pass, namely the elimination stage (4 – 10 February 2020), Finalist Announcement (22 February 2020), Re-registration and payment (22 – 27 February 2020), Technical Meeting (12 March 2020), Final Stage or work on questions (13 March 2020), Final Stage 2 or Presentation) (14 March 2020), Announcement of Winners and Prize Distribution (14 March 2020).
Activities held by the Statistics Student Association (HIMASTIKA) UNMUL is routinely carried out every time the year with various competition categories. On the previous year, UNTAD's FMIPA Statistics Team has received an award predicate as the best speaker and this year the Statistics Team of FMIPA UNTAD succeeded won first place, while Champion 2 achieved by the UGM statistics team, Champion 3 achieved by the Unmul statistics team, and the Best speaker category was won by ITS statistics. (UC/FMIPA)