Located in the FMIPA UNTAD Hall, The Chemistry and Pharmacy Department held a guest lecture that was amazed at the Role of Science in the Forensic Field on Wednesday (09/05/2018). This guest lecture was delivered by the Head of the Semarang branch of the Forensic Laboratory, Dr. Nursamran Subandi, M.Si. and was attended by lecturers and students majoring in chemistry and pharmacy.
In his speech, Dr. M Rusydi, M.Si motivates all students majoring in chemistry and majoring in pharmacy that there are many jobs for science. "With the holding of this public lecture, prove that chemistry and pharmacy graduates can work anywhere which of course still has scientific sciences, because until now there are still many people who are confused about where the jobs of this science department, especially chemistry.
As guest lecturer speaker, Dr. Nursamran Subandi, M.Si tries to open the mindset of the participants that forensic science is not only related to the sciences, but also related to the social sciences. "Forensic science is not only fixed in one science, but the field of science related to forensic science is very much composed of science., mathematics, even social science, so that not only Laboratory people can work in this forensic field,"Said the head of the forensic laboratory.
He continued that the commonly used field of science is digital forensics, DNA fingerprint, and forensic toxicology. "One of the most important roles of the three sciences is DNA fingerprint, where examination of evidence related to the identification of individuals through bodily fluids is carried out, this is related to the science of biology, chemistry and pharmacy which discusses biochemistry,"He explained.
other than that, Nursamran also added other sciences such as Forensic Phatology which includes the field of examination in the form of corpses of living things related to the cause and time of death., Forensic odontology related to dental characteristics, and Forensic entomology includes the time of death through insect forms living on the remains.
At the end of the material, He said that the legal basis for conducting criminal investigation in Indonesia is regulated in Law No.. 8 year 1981 about the Criminal Code so that forensic science has several principles. "Basically the Criminal Code, how a criminal process is carried out clearly, There are several principles in forensic science, namely the law of individuality in many examples of fingerprints and DNA, The principle of exchange is that every contact or contact occurs material and trace exchange and the Law of indirect facts i.e. indirect facts or evidence that cannot lie,"He concluded.