December 2023 and January 2024, is the right time to introduce the FMIPA Study Program to class XII students, especially in the Central Sulawesi region. This period is the time when class XII students as prospective students consider choosing a Study Program/Department as a place to gain knowledge to prepare their future., as Indonesia's golden generation. Admission of new PTN students (Public universities) and PTKIN (State Islamic Religious College) th 2024 implemented by SNPMB (National Selection for New Student Admissions). Information on the State University Entrance Selection System for Diploma Three Programs, Diploma Four (Applied Bachelor), And Scholar of the Year 2024 can be further accessed via the link: As in the previous year, New student admissions have started running, can be followed through 3 path ie: 1) National Selection Based on Achievement, 2) National selection based on tests and 3) Independent Selection Route.
Realizing the importance of providing complete information about study programs at FMIPA and future potential, academic community-lecturers and students, has participated in carrying out outreach and promotions to prospective students at various schools and in various regions. Team from the Geophysical Engineering study program, sending lecturers and students to carry out outreach in several schools, including at SMA Negeri Harmoni Poso. Team from the Chemistry Study Program, interrupted by lecturer service activities, also introduced the Superior Chemistry study program in several schools in Sigi district, including SMAN 2, PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL 3, PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL 7, PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL 8, and high school 9 Sigi ( Other study programs within the FMIPA scope, routinely - every year it has carried out Community Service and Socialization activities in various schools. This year, the team from FMIPA, which is carrying out the task of socializing and promoting SNPMB, also had the opportunity to introduce it 7 study program at FMIPA, to various schools in Banggai District, Line. Banggai islands and Kab. Banggai Laut. Although up to now there have always been students from various regions, but it is still deemed necessary to carry out socialization activities and update information about developments at FMIPA. This method feels more effective, because it can help prospective students consider the study program they will choose and the strategy for determining the PT registration route.
Once grabbed the oar, two or three islands are exceeded, while performing devotions, FMIPA socialization and promotion team, also had the opportunity to greet FMIPA alumni who have careers in the region in Alumni gathering activities. Maintaining relationships with alumni is an important part of the Study Program in the current era. The study program at FMIPA is very aware, can not only send students to become Masters, but must also be able to support them to work in various fields in society. It's something to be proud of, When meeting with FMIPA alumni, also share enthusiasm and experience in their respective fields of work. Many worlds of work have proven to be able to accept FMIPA alumni from various fields of study. Even though sometimes you have to go far from your hometown and be separated by the ocean, they can work as lecturers at PT (after completing master's studies), works as a teacher in several schools in Luwuk-Banggai, as a state civil servant in various government offices and services, in various companies, and several joined as activists in the environmental sector. Their enthusiasm is to pursue a career and serve the homeland and nation "Tadulako People Work for the Country"- needs to be an example for his younger siblings who are currently struggling to achieve their Bachelor's degree at FMIPA.