Outstanding Mathematics Study Program Achievements, The Inspiration Gate of Problem Solving

Starting the even semester 2013/2014 Mathematics Department (3/2) held a new breakthrough in the form of an academic dialogue involving students and members of the department and faculty. The academic dialogue by the Study Program which has the motto The Inspiration Gate of Problem Solving takes the theme "Academic Dialogue in the Beginning of Semester of Mathematics Study Program for the even semester of 2013/2014" which was attended directly by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs., Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Vice Dean for Student Affairs, lecturers majoring in Mathematics and 138 math student.

Several remarks before opening the activity were conveyed by the chairman of the association, namely Jaya, head of the study program (PS) Mathematics is Dra. Rina Ratianingsih, M.Si, Head of the Mathematics Department, Rais, S.Si, M.Si. Previously, the dialogue activity was officially opened by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Dr. Umrah, M.Si. In his speech he said that every problem can be solved by mathematical calculations. This was confirmed by Ustad who gave a lecture shortly after the official activity opened. “When the Romans had not invented numbers, it turns out that the Muslims have also found it.". I am proud that Islamic people are experts in mathematics. If people don't know math, can pray 2 raka’at dihantam 3 raka’at. This is a simple example,"said Ustad who was then greeted with laughter by the dialogue participants. In this activity, awards are also given to students with perfect GPAs in odd semesters of the year 2013/2014. In this case, it was given to Faisal Susanto and Gatot Widodo batch 2012. After some of the opening agenda is complete, the dialogue was taken over by the moderator, namely Dr. I Wayan Sudarsana who is also one of the lecturers in the Department of Mathematics. Controlling the dialogue, he started to introduce mathematics website (matematika.fmipa.untad.ac.id) which has been established the last few months. other than that, The lecturer, who has finished his doctoral program, invites the whole mathematics family to live the Vision and Mission of PS Mathematics because according to him it is very important.. "I ask you to live up to your mathematical vision for the advancement of PS Mathematics." Say him.

The dialogue was then continued with the next speaker, Drs. Agus Indra Jaya, M.Sc who is also the Vice Dean for General Affairs and Finance and a lecturer in Mathematics. In the dialogue, he stated the purpose of the activity. "Today's goal is to provide a dialogue between lecturers and students". Talking about past problems so they don't happen in the future. Give a story to the participants about their previous lecture time. The relationship between lecturers and mathematics is very decisive. Study programs can be good if there is cooperation between all study programs." The lecturer who took the Master program in the Netherlands hoped that the mathematics lecturer would be willing to give a word or two to the participants. The request from the Vice Dean for General Affairs and Finance was welcomed by lecturers and students. After the dialogue was taken over by the moderator, The dialogue was then taken over by one of the mathematics lecturers who is also a PS Statistics lecturer, Nureni, S.Si, M.Si. In his first dialogue, The lecturer who was very strict at the time of the exam reminded students about the exam again. "I'm the strictest about exams. If found out who gave and was given, I don't accept the test results. But if you don't find out, Yes, done." His speech was greeted with laughter by the participants.

other than that, he approved the process of student closeness with lecturers but it must be within reasonable limits. He also gave a message to final year students to pay more attention to their final project. "Don't be close to DO just want to look for the lecturer. Help. Sometimes students never attend, when just about to go to trial a new one comes. Someone came today to give the final assignment, I will return tomorrow, tomorrow come again. There's something I returned to work, but 3 new moon is back, don't know where." At the end of the dialogue, he again advised students to understand each other with lecturers in the mathematics department. "If you want an exam or mid, if there is pain, please wait for the pain. Not all lecturers have the same preoccupation. There is no student whose grades I button up as long as he is diligent.” He said ending the dialogue. The dialogue continues to be tough when entering the complaint and response session. Student complaints in the form of extracurricular activities to get the attention of the lecturers, discriminatory actions in the student version, Lack of laboratory facilities, and students who bring the name PS Mathematics to the regional and national arena so that they are given a follow-up exam dispensation. All student complaints were responded positively by all lecturers, officials within the scope of PS, Major, and faculty. Especially for students who are active in extracurricular activities, dispensation will be given as long as these activities are carried out institutionally between PS, departments and faculties as promised by the vice dean for student affairs, which was also welcomed by the Department and PS Mathematics. The academic dialogue lasted until 16.30 WITA and ended with a good and happy agreement between students and all lecturers in the Department of Mathematics, the joy was very sincere even though the committee did not provide lunch he he he….!. With dialogue the solution comes, without having to "burn tires" on the road, Nooo demonstrasi demonstration yess dialogue. (DD / IWS).



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