FMIPANEWS. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Tadulako University organizes The 2nd Webinar with the topic "Productive Writing Scientific Publications" on Monday, 04 June 2020. This webinar activity is followed by 161 participants who come from various faculty at Tadulako University.
In the opening was the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Ir. Darmawati Darwis, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D conveyed "We also know his achievements in writing in a Scopus indexed journal to 48 articles in a year. Hopefully the knowledge that he shares with us all applicable which will increase the quantity and quality of our publications. Which of course he hopes will directly contribute to accelerating promotion and functional positions of lecturers at Untad and in the environment FMIPA in particular,”
Interviewees who were presented on this occasion were Prof. Dahlang Tahir SSi MSi PhD who is a professor at Hasanuddin University (NAILS) Makassar. Prof. Dahlang Tahir explained regarding related importance productivity in producing scientific work even in pandemic periods such as this. Prof. Dahlang Tahir also gave some suggestions to the webinar participants so that the scientific work can be accepted in reputable journals.
“Even the data used in writing is not something that uses a new method but by way of writing or states there is something specific then the writing will be accepted by the publisher. Each journal also has a different writing structure, so it should be follow the template from that journal addressed,"Explained Prof. Dahlang.
As chairman of the committee, Sandra, S.Si., MT said that this activity was aimed at To motivate the lecturers of Tadulako University in general to write publication in reputable international journals. "The purpose of this activity is to motivate the lecturers MIPA in particular and Untad generally for diligent and accustomed or motivated in writing publications in reputable international journals part of tridarma College,"He said.
Certificates are also given to all committees, participants, as well as Narasumber as a form of appreciation from FMIPA UNTAD to all parties involved in the implementation of this webinar. This certificate is expected to be useful as proof that they have followed The 2nd Webinar FMIPA. (Enter / FMIPA).