Prevent Covid-19, Department of Pharmacy FMIPA Hand Sanitizer Production

FMIPA NEWS. The spread the corona virus outbreak or Covid-19 caused unrest in the community. Various ways done starting from maintaining immunity and also cleanliness of the body as well environment. Antiseptic or disinfectant fluids are believed to be able to prevent transmission covid-19 and effectively kills germs so that Covid-19 also has an impact the scarcity of hand sanitizers on the market. This situation certainly had an effect on an increase in the price of Hand Sanitizer, which is getting higher .

From these problems, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences took the initiative to produce Hand Sanitizer containing Moringa leaf extract or Moringa. The formulator in making this Hand sanitizer is Evi Sulastri, S.Si, M.Sc., Apt, assisted by Nur Aanisah |, S.Si., Apt. and Asriana Sultan, S.Farm, M.Si., Apt.  The addition of Moringa leaf extract which is antibacterial is believed to increase the working power of handsanitizer disinfectant.

Currently the Department of Pharmacy, FMIPA has produced 60 a bottle of handsanitizer intended for campuses so that it is not traded on the market. This production is intended as preparedness to overcome the spread of the corona virus or covid-19. As chairman of the Department of Pharmacy, M. Sulaiman Zubair, S.Si., M.Si. Apt. Ph.D hopes that the production of hand sanitizers can reduce the spread of the plague, especially in a campus environment.. (UC/FMIPA)



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