IKA FMIPA Welcomes MIPA Alumni Graduates 96

Release and Acceptance of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Alumni Graduates Ke 96 held officially in the Hall of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences on March 27 March 2019. The activity with the theme "ALUMNI FMIPA ANSWERING THE CHALLENGES OF INDUSTRY 4.0" has been carried out twice during the establishment of FMIPA.. As Chairman of the IKA FMIPA UNTAD, Badaruddin, S.Si,. M.Sc hopes that this Alumni Release activities can be carried out regularly. “This activity has been done twice and God willing, every graduation will be held and the alumni will be released and accepted.

other than that , Badar explained that this activity aims to accept alumni members to IKA FMIPA, and also as a gathering agenda between alumni and the board Alumni Association and Academic Community of FMIPA. "The purpose of this activity, apart from receiving as an alumni member to the IKA FMIPA, also means silahturahmi with IKA FMIPA manager, academic community, and all new members, "he said.

Ia juga menambahkan kegiatan ini juga dapat memberikan bekal pemahaman kepada Alumni mengenai jalur beasiswa S2 dan situasi dalam menghadapi dunia kerja nantinya. "This activity also aims to provide provisions regarding the understanding of the Masters scholarship pathway and the situation in facing the world of work brought by the alumni of FMAF itself," said Badar..

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