Congratulations ! Statistics Study Program FMIPA UNTAD Accredited B

PALU - Based on the Decree of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education Number : 2604/SK/BAN-PT/SURV –BDG/S/VII/2018, Statistics study program FMIPA obtains Accreditation B..

Even though it only has 7 active lecturer formation but the head of the Statistics study program, Nur’Eni, S.Si, M.Si sangat bersyukur atas capaian yang diperoleh “Alhamdulillah. Finally, Statistics FMIPA UNTAD accredited B even though only with formation 7 active lecturers, "he said when interviewed on Thursday (20/09/18).

At first the Statistics study program was formed only 9 college student. Then years 2012, with the addition 16 The quota of Statistics study program students starts working on forms to prepare for accreditation. Year 2014 Accredited Statistics study program C, this is valid for years 2019 and the number of students increases up to 35 person. In the year 2015 dengan jumlah dosen yang sangat terbatas prodi Statistika mulai membuka 2 class for the first time with the number of students reaching 70 person.

Later in the year 2016 prodi Statistika mulai menggarap borang akreditasi karena mengingat jumlah peminat prodi ini semakin bertambah hingga 90 college student. Year 2017, visitation of the accreditation forms was carried out with the number of alumni only 8 person, lecturer 7 person, and new students over 100 person. However, the results obtained by the Statistics study program still received accreditation C.

Year 2018, prodi Statistika kembali berjuang memperbaiki borang dan mengusulkan banding ke BAN PT. Ketua Prodi Stastitika mengatakan ini merupakan akhir dari perjuangan prodi Statistika yang mebuahkan hasil, with points 314 Statistics study program received accreditation B.. This year the Statistics study program received around 110 new students although during the last year the number of lecturers has not increased. "Alhamdulillah, this is the final result we got, akreditasi B dengan poin 314. This year we have added around 110 new students even though the number of lecturers is up 5 the last year has not increased yet. " he explained.

Nur’Eni, S.Si, M.Si hopes that accreditation will increase, Statistics alumni can be accepted to work in various agencies. Selain itu prodi Statistika juga diharapkan dapat meningkat menjadi jurusan Statistika pertama di kawasan Indonesia timur. He also targets that students can graduate within the lecture period 4 year with the GPA above 3.0 . "Hopefully the alumni can be accepted to work in various agencies, both public and private. Karena dengan akreditasi B tersebut kedepannya prodi Statistika meningkat menjadi jurusan Statistika pertama di Indonesia Timur dan mahasiswa ditargetkab bisa lulus rata-rata 4 year with a GPA of 3.0. "

He also did not forget to thank all parties who have provided support for the increased achievements that have been achieved. "A big thank you to all those who have worked hard and helped us a lot. Spirit, I hope the Statistics study program will be more successful, move on, "he said.




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