One Year Post Disaster PASIGALA, Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNTAD Holds a National Seminar 2019

FMIPANews. Saturday, 28 September 2019 The Physics and Geophysics Engineering Study Program, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, held a National Seminar at the Conference Room Media Center UNTAD. Carrying the theme "Natural Disasters in a Science Perspective" this activity presented several speakers including Dr.Daryono, S.Si., M.Si as Head of the Earthquake and Tsunami Mitigation Division(BMKG), Dr. Andri Dian Nugraha, S.Si., M.Eng as President of the Association of Geologists (HAGI), Suratman Natayuda, M.Si as a Material Science Expert, and Dr. M Rusydi H., M.Si as the head of LPPM UNTAD. The series of activities was opened by the Vice Chancellor for Development and Cooperation, Prof. Dr. Amar, ST., MT and was attended by participants who were practitioners, Academy, Researcher, up to students.

Geo Tourism activities in one of the PASIGALA disaster locations

In the National Physics Seminar 2019, exist 41 Papers Journals to be published in Q3 International journal and indexed Scopus. This activity ends with a Geo-Tourism agenda at the Post-Disaster location PASIGALA which is directly guided by Central Sulawesi disaster expert Drs. Abdullah M.T. As chairman of the committee Elisa Sesa, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D explained that 28 september which coincides with the year of the disaster PASIGALA is a moment that appropriate to explain natural disasters in a scientific perspective on the seminar agenda This. “At first we planned a national seminar here, us voted the committee saw that this was the right moment to contribute to explaining natural disasters from a scientific perspective especially physics and geophysics where appropriate a year ago we had an earthquake, tsunami, and liquefaction ".

He hopes that UNTAD regularly holds seminars, confrence, or making scientific journals indexed by Scopus. "I hope that Untad will have to do a lot of seminars, confrence, and articles that are attempted to be published in scientific journals indexed by Scopus such as the one we carry out at this national seminar. Even though it is on a national scale, it has international output, and of course this will bring the name Untad even more fragrant in the future ".




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