Program Pengembangan Dosen Muda FMIPA Tahun 2025
Di Tahun 2024, as much 22 dosen muda FMIPA telah menyelesaikan Pelatihan Dasar CPNS dengan sangat baik. Beberapa diantara memperoleh penghargaan […]
Tadulako University Becomes an International Standard College in the Development of Environmental Science and TechnologyMission
- Organizing quality education, modern, and relevant towards achieving international standards in the development of science and technology with an environmental perspective .
- Carrying out quality research for the development of science and technology with an environmental perspective.
- Carrying out community service as the use of educational outputs and outcomes needed in community development.
- Carrying out biocratic reform and regional cooperation, national, and international
To become an innovative faculty with international standards in Mathematics and Science as well as its environmental-friendly applications, Wallacea
- Organizing education in the fields of mathematics and science as well as innovative applications, quality, modern and relevant towards achieving international standards for environmentally friendly Wallacea
- Carrying out innovative and quality research for the development of mathematics and science as well as its application with an environmental perspective Wallacea
- Carrying out community service based on the results of education and research to improve community welfare.
- Organizing cooperation locally, regional, national and international
Di Tahun 2024, as much 22 dosen muda FMIPA telah menyelesaikan Pelatihan Dasar CPNS dengan sangat baik. Beberapa diantara memperoleh penghargaan […]
CONGRATULATIONS to Prof. Darmawati Darwis, M.Si., Ph.D. yang siang hari ini (Friday, 3 January 2025) dilantik oleh Rektor Univ. Tadulako […]
Universitas Tadulako menggelar acara “Diseminasi Hasil Tracer Study dan Pemberian Penghargaan kepada Mahasiswa Berprestasi” pada tanggal 17 December 2024, o'clock […]
Hammer, 11 December 2024 - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Universitas Tadulako menggelar acara Gala Dinner malam puncak […]
Hammer, 6 November 2024 – Fathin Rizaldi, mahasiswa Fisika Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) Universitas Tadulako dengan NIM […]
Panitia Pelaksana Dies Natalis ke-17 FMIPA Untad resmi memulai rangkaian kegiatan dengan dimulainya Pekan Akademik yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 5 […]