On Thursday the date 12 May 2016 An interactive dialogue has been carried out between all elements of the Student Organization of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences with the Leadership Elements of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
Dialogue with the theme " Unite Vision To build Synergy of the Academic Community of FMIPA Tadulako University ” This was initiated by the Student Executive Board (GOOD) FMIPA and opened by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Prof. Dr. Jayani Nurdin, SE and was attended by Dr. M. Rusydi H, as Dean, Prof. Dr. Ramadanil, MSi (Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs), Dr. Abd. Rahman Razak | (Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance), Dr. Ristan Effendi (Vice Dean for Student Affairs), Dr. Lif. Sc. I Nengah Suwastika (Kajur Biologi), Syraiful Name, S.Farm, MSi, Apt (Kajur Pharmacy), Darmawati Darwis, PhD (Kajur Fisika), Resnawati, Ssi, MSi (Mathematics Secretary). Meanwhile, from the student side, it was represented by Mr. Asmar (President WELL FMIPA), all student organizations in FMIPA such as 6 Students Association, Student activity units (UKM) like Pawana, Elsam, UKOF, Static and others.
The dialogue event took place very full of kinship and upholding ethics, where the material discussed covers Academic Services at FMIPA, Teaching and Learning Process and Financial Management Transparency at FMIPA
Author : Prof. Dr. Ramadanil, MSi