Saturday 18 February 2017, The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Tadulako University held a Selection Phase I ON MIPA PT. As much 490 Students are registered as participants in the selection which consists of 384 FMIPA students , 98 FKIP students, 1 Faculty of Agriculture students, 2 FKIK students, and 5 Students from the Faculty of Engineering.
The objectives of the MIPA-PT National Olympiad are: Increase student interest in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology, Encourage the improvement of academic abilities and broaden the horizons of Mathematics and Natural Sciences students, Encourage quality improvement and broaden the horizons of the teaching staff in the field of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Provide input for improving learning in higher education, especially in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Become a means of promotion and increase the attractiveness of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology at the heart of society.
At this stage the participants are given the opportunity to work on the questions for 120 minute. There is 20 participants who pass at this stage are delivered, Ni Gusti Ayu Kartia Dewi, Widya Oktaviana, Moh Arif, Nofianto Hari Wibowo, and Prayudi S for Mathematics. Then for the field of physics represented by, By Luh Sri Maharani, Suprianton, Rany Khaeroni, I Made Ramaditya A., and Agung Nugroho. The chemical field is represented by, Zulkifli, Rut Estefin Tologana, Irma Ragentu, Rusiamin Rahmad Supriyadi , dan Muhammad Al-Gifary,whereas for the field of Biology is represented by, Faris Muhammad Gazali,Natassya Nadya Immanuel, Fajri Marisa, Syafri Barlian Waris, and Nur Trismawati.
Ke 20 The participants will take part in the second selection of Kopertis Region IX which will be held in Makassar next March.