The Physics Science Competition Technical Meeting was attended by teacher representatives from the city of Palu
Monday (03/10) located in the hall of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, HIMAFI held a Physics Science Competition technical meeting for middle and high schools in Central Sulawesi. This activity is one of a series of events from the Physics Fair which will be held on the 06-12 next october. On this occasion HIMAFI invited representatives of junior high and high school teachers to convey the competition mechanism.
This activity aims to make Physics widely known by the public. The Competition Section Coordinator revealed that, Through this activity it is hoped that the public will know and be interested in the world of physics "through this activity, We hope that people will know more about and be interested in physics and help improve the quality of education, especially in science and technology,” said Agung Nugroho.
Posted by Fmipa Untad