Annual Conference (BLACK) CHAPTER XII

IKAHIMKI was founded by mutual agreement between chemistry student associations throughout Indonesia, at the date of 1 February 1989 at ITS (Surabaya) and passed in Jakarta on 1 February 1990 for an unspecified period (according to the Articles of Association).
As much 32 Universities from Sabang to Merauke send their delegates to the Annual Conference (Black) XII Indonesian Chemistry Student Association (Ikahimki) implemented by the Chemistry Student Association (Himakim) Faculty of Math and Science (FMIPA) and the Chemistry Student Association (Himaski) Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Tadulako University (Untad).

Musta, with the theme "Improving Ikahimki's Existence in Realizing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education" was opened by the Rector of Untad., Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Basir, SE., MS at the Untad Auditorium on Saturday, 5 October 2013.

PRINCIPAL Untad, Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Basir, I KNOW. MS, gave a speech as well as opened a series of activities by Musta XII Ikahimki, Saturday (5/10). (PHOTO: MUAMAR KADAFI / MT)

Activities that will last until Friday (10/10) this, consists of three item activities ie, National Seminar (Semnas) about Marine Biomolecules, Black XII Ikahimki, and Tours. There were three expert speakers who were presented at the National Seminar, namely, Agus Haryanto, MS, representative of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine RI, Prof. Dr. Hanapi Usman |, M.Si, Dean of FMIPA Hasanuddin University, and Saldyansah Effendy, S.Pi, MP, representatives of the Marine and Fisheries Service of Central Sulawesi Province.

” Annual Announcement XII IKAHIMKI”



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