FMIPA UNTAD Holds MIPAnet School to 2

Speech by the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Tadulako University Darmawati Darwis, PhD

[MIPANews] 15 September 2020. For five full days from date 10 to 14 September 2020, FMIPA has successfully implemented part 2 of the MIPAnet School program with the theme “Biosystematic: Theory and Practice in Botany and Zoology”. This activity is a form of cooperation through the Indonesian MIPAnet network as well as the implementation of the Ministry of Education and Culture program "Merdeka Learning Merdeka Campus" with equal weight 2 SKS.

MIPAnet School Opening by MIPAnet Executive Secretary, Prof. Dr. Iskhaq Iskandar from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Sriwijaya University

This activity was officially opened by MIPANet Executive Secretary Prof. Iskhaq Iskandar (Sriwijaya University) Palembang, with a total of 45 students from 7 Universities/PTs in Indonesia, including Univ. Tanjungpura, Univ. Mulawarman, Univ. Brawijaya, Univ. Mataram, Univ. Palangkaraya, and Univ. Tadulako as organizer. Materials studied during 5 today presented by 3 presenter, namely Prof. Dr. Ramadhanil Pitopang, Dr. Annawaty and Dr. Hadi Islam. The three presenters who are competent in their fields, can be seen from the publications produced in their respective fields. Prof. Dr. Ramadhanil Pitopang presents material in Plant Biosystems, especially Genus Calamus by Zona Wallacea ", including the history of the formation of this area rich in biota diversity. Next presenter, Dr. Annawaty conveyed the diversity of Crustacean fauna, especially the biodiversity of Freshwater Shrimp and the Process of Giving Scientific Names to New Species. Material on Introduction to the Social Group System in Primates and Behavior monkey delivered with Dr. Hadi Islam, from Univ. Mataram.

The materials from the interviewees have opened their eyes new for participating students, which is evident in their enthusiasm in following presentation, discussion and evaluation. Hopefully this activity will further increase the interest of prospective young scientists Indonesia in the future to study the Indonesian Biodiversity which very rich but there are still many that have not been touched by research.

With the successful implementation of this MIPAnet school, Dean of FMIPA gave high appreciation to Jur. Biology that has been be the driving motor of execution, to the presenters who have been with passion for sharing knowledge and spirit for young scientists ilmuwan, to the moderator, committee and all supporters of the activity. Thank you for playing in disseminating the advantages of Univ. Tadulako, especially FMIPA in studies Animal and Plant Biosystematics. (Annawaty)



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