The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences has 6 study programs among others :
Physics is one of the basic sciences which is essentially needed to understand and master other basic sciences, applied sciences, and furthermore to develop technology. The strategic position and status of physics requires physicists to always develop, apply, and at the same time socializing physics, so that it can positively encourage the development and mastery of science and technology in this world. Earth as a place for humans and various other creatures to live, for its sustainability, increasingly demands high efficiency in the use of energy in all its forms. Energy is a physical quantity that is absolutely indispensable for the realization of the preservation of life. Therefore physics is required to be able to research, find, develop, managing energy sources.
Besides, all kinds of human activities (both agricultural and industrial) and all natural processes (both concerning the dynamics of the earth and living things) most of which are closely related to physical processes, Settings, security, and management so as not to damage and nothing is in vain- waste or redundant, but they are effective (efficient) and effective (effective) as well as vigilant (constructive) for the survival of all people, most of it is also the responsibility of the physicist. So great are the demands of mankind on physicists, in such a way that inevitably the FMIPA Physics Department is expected to also be able to take part in bearing some of the global or even universal portion of the responsibility., so that the contribution of the Physics Department becomes significant, contributions in the form of thoughts, research, his discovery is expected to be the spearhead of the development of physics.
Department of Physics, FMIPA which was opened in 2015 2001 with only a few faculty and a few students, then developed rapidly to form the Basic Physics Laboratory, Experimental Physics Laboratory, Theoretical and Computational Physics Laboratory, Earth and Marine Physics Laboratory, as well as the Material-Energy Physics Laboratory, Instrumentation Physics Laboratory and Workshop.
Based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, No.05/DIKTI / Kep / 2001 dated 9 January 2001, The Physics Department organizes a Study Program, namely the Physics Study Program. Until now, the study program mentioned above has produced graduates / undergraduates who are well absorbed by the industrial community and research and educational institutions., both public and private.
After going through an assessment carried out by the National Accreditation Board for the Physics Study Program, The Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia decided that the physics study program was accredited B.
The Department of Physics is one of the departments in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Tadulako University. This department consists of one study program, namely the Physics Study Program. The Department and Study Program was opened by Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia No.. 05/DIKTI / Kep / 2000 concerning the Establishment of a Physics Department / Study Program at Tadulako University.
"To become the leading physics study program at the national level in the study and application of the physical and earth sciences in 2025"
To realize this vision, four missions of the UNTAD Physics Study Program have been determined, namely:
- Organizing quality and sustainable academic education.
- Organizing international quality physics research activities, original, innovative, tested, and oriented towards the development of efficient science and technology, especially in the field of earth and materials.
- Dedicating expertise in the field of physics to society.
- Optimizing productive and sustainable cooperation with educational institutions, government and business at the regional level, national and international.
To realize the vision and carry out the mission, the objectives of the Physics Study Program have been set for each mission. Of the four missions four objectives were set, as shown below:
- Producing graduates with high character and competitiveness.
- To produce research outputs that have national and international repute and are useful in the development of physics, especially in the fields of materials and earth.
- Generating community service to empower people to be able to solve problems independently and sustainably.
- Expanding and increasing mutually beneficial research and community service activities with various government and private institutions at home and abroad.
While the target of the Physics Department / Study Program is:
- To produce graduates with a solid provision of physics and able to adapt to the latest developments in science and technology.
- Producing graduates who are able to plan, manage and develop a research with science and technology insight and in line with development needs.
Educators and Education Staff
In certain cases the physics study program has succeeded in implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. However, it is realized that there are many more that need to be improved. To maintain and even improve the quality, quality control has been carried out in the HR sector, teaching and learning process, and educational results or graduate quality. Human resource development is carried out for both lecturers and staff through further studies, training, workshop, courses, seminars and other scientific activities. This time, from 23 lecturer, who have completed S3 studies amounting to 6 person, who are currently studying S3 are in number 6 person, S2 total 3 people and 18 people among them already have an educator certificate, and 1 lecturers in the certification process as well 3 permanent non civil servant lecturers.
Competencies of graduates who want to be formed using this curriculum, compiled based on the essential characteristics of physics and the characteristics of a physicist who is involved in physics.
Some of those features are: Physics includes observational activities, understanding and forecasting or predicting natural phenomena. These activities are manifested in the form of theoretical scientific activities of physicists, experimental and applicative. In its theoretical activities, experimental and applicable, a physicist makes use of the help of Mathematics and computational skills. Physics is an empirical science so it cannot be separated from the skill to do experiments. In addition, because physics studies very basic natural phenomena, for example the elementary particles that make up all matter and the universe, it cannot be separated from the ability to think philosophically which is arranged and described in mathematical language. In addition, by carrying out various activities in the field of physics will bring benefits to one's personal development, for example, it can build problem-solving skills, logical and analytical thinking skills and the ability to be independent.
Based on the essential characteristics of physics and the physicists who do it, compiled the competencies of undergraduate graduates (S1) FMIPA Physics is expected to be achieved through the implementation of lectures based on the curriculum 2012 FMIPA Physics study program, as follows:
Aspects of Knowledge and Understanding
Understand and know the concepts that underlie Classical Physics which includes understanding various aspects of Mechanics, various aspects of the multi-particle system, and various aspects of basic interactions (Gravity and Electromagnetics).
- Understand and know the concepts that underlie Modern Physics, which includes the theory of relativity and quantum physics concepts.
- Understand and know the use of classical and modern physics concepts at various levels of the system, starting from the elementary particle system, sistem material kompleks, to the macroscopic system of the universe.
- Understand and know various basic experiments and some advanced experiments in Physics.
- Understand and know the various branches of mathematics required in mastering various branches of physics, including the use of numerical methods and programming.
- Understand and know some of the latest concepts in Modern Physics and / or the application of Physics in the Earth and Marine Sciences.
Aspects of Intellectual Thinking Skills
- Skilled in identifying a physics problem expressed in concept- Physics concepts.
- Skilled in making assumptions / hypotheses on a physics problem.
- Skilled in planning and designing experiments in physics and concluding the results of these experiments.
- Skilled in formulating the application of physics to solve natural problems and problems in human life, both qualitatively and quantitatively.
Aspects of Practice Skills
- Skilled in observing natural phenomena.
- Skilled in conducting physics experiments at the basic level as well as at an advanced level along with their analysis.
- Skilled in using mathematics in describing various physical phenomena.
- Skilled in the use of Information and Communication Technology.
Managerial Ability Aspects
- Have the ability to present, communicate and provide arguments on a concept / idea related to the field of physics, in Indonesian and in English.
- Have the ability to work independently or collaborate in a work team / research team.
- Have the ability to supervise and direct a practicum / experiment in Physics.
Attitude Aspects
- Have a believing personality, pious, and virtuous.
- Have an empathetic attitude, respect and respect for fellow human beings.
- Have a pro attitude towards the balance of the environment and the natural surroundings.
Basic Physics Laboratory
The Basic Physics Service Unit serves Basic Physics Practicum for semester I and II students of the Physics Department and students from outside the Physics Department, both from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and outside the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Tadulako. The Dharma of Education and Teaching is carried out with independent practicum (open ended) and collective practicum. The open-ended practicum was carried out by means of students preparing tools, carry out the experiment and analysis independently, while the practicum topic was given by the supervisor.
Regular practicum is carried out collectively, implemented according to schedule and guided by assistants and lecturers. The practicum model was followed by 600 students in semester I and 80 students in semester II, who are members of the Basic Physics practicum group for students other than physics majors. This time, The Basic Physics Practicum is attended by students from various faculties. The faculty is Animal Husbandry, Agriculture, Forestry, Health Sciences and Mathematics and Natural Sciences majoring in Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy Study Program.
Praktikum semi open-ended, is a regular practicum with an emphasis on the independence of the participants. This practicum model is evaluated with a preliminary test, internship, journal, reports and responses. Basic physics practicum for physics majors using an open ended method.
The Basic Physics Service Unit also provides workshops on Basic Physics practicum and error theory to high school students and lecturers from private universities.. This unit also produces practical manuals and Basic Physics hand outs.
Advanced Physics Laboratory
The Physics Laboratory for advanced courses is devoted to student practicum activities over the semester 3 FMIPA Physics study program. Each of these laboratories is led by a Unit Chair who is responsible for all laboratory equipment and activities. The advanced laboratory is the Experimental Physics Laboratory, Earth and Marine Physics Laboratory, Theory and Computing Laboratory, Electronics Physics Laboratory, Energy Material Physics Laboratory.
This advanced physics laboratory is used to support all practicum activities, student research and lecturer research. other than that, Measuring instruments such as the Earth and Marine Physics laboratory are always used by research teams from various institutions to carry out field measurements such as seismic, geoelectric, geomagnet, sea wave, and others.
website : Physics major
Undergraduate Mathematics Study Program, PS Mathematics, first time admitting new students in the academic year 2003/2004, based on the decree on the opening of the Mathematics Study Program at Tadulako University with the number 700 / D / T / 2003 dated 7 May. In the course of managing the Mathematics Study Program, it continues to develop and can be widely recognized in the people of Central Sulawesi in particular and Indonesia in general. As a result of recognition, alumni of the Mathematics Study Program can be absorbed in various job fields and pursue various professions such as at BPS, Bank, Stock Exchange, Financial institutions (credit analyst, financial consultant), education authorities (guru), College (lecturer), PT. Telkomsel and PT. Indosat as ICT energy. On this basis the performance of the Mathematics Study Program received recognition from BAN-PT with B accreditation based on the BAN-PT Decree Number: 002/BAN-PT / Ak-XII / S1 / IV / 2009, dated 02 April 2009. The management system of the Mathematics Study Program and its development is not only based on vision, mission, and the university and faculty goals but also the vision, mission and goals it has. Starting year 2012 The Mathematics Department developed the Mathematics Study Program, day PS Statistics.
"In the year 2022 FKIPA UNTAD Mathematics Study Program excels regionally, national and / or international in mathematical scientific research and its application for strengthening and manifesting community service ".
Mathematics Study Program FMIPA UNTAD has four missions, that is:
- Develop, run and maintain the continuity of the UNTAD Mathematics Study Program to excel in the Tri Darma of Higher Education through new relevant innovations in mathematics learning.
- Organizing a mathematics education system to produce strong graduates in IMTAQ, professional and independent in mathematics and its application and have a holistic insight and able to adapt to changes in science and technology and the regional job market, national, and / or international.
- Cultivate, develop, and carry out a research culture in groups of mathematical expertise in order to improve scientific work, regionally recognized multidisciplinary and application practices, national and / or international.
- Cultivate, develop, and carry out mutually beneficial cooperation with various parties including the community and both regional governments, national, and / or international in mathematical scientific research and its application.
The purpose of the UNTAD Mathematics Study Program is: Organizing a mathematics education system that produces regional superior graduates, national and / or international in the field of mathematics and its applications, job market and can take advantage of business opportunities.
- Producing undergraduate mathematics who are strong in IMTAQ and adaptive to the development of science and technology, able to continue studies in mathematics and other related fields, literate in ICT, have a commitment, self-confidence, emotional maturity and high work ethic..
- Developing the object of mathematical scientific study and its application on an ongoing basis to achieve regional recognition, national and / or international.
- Improve the quality and quantity of human resources, equipment, facilities and infrastructure for the realization of the implementation of the Tridarma of Higher Education towards regional recognized work results, national and / or international.
- Cultivate, reproduce and improve cooperation with domestic institutions, nationally and internationally to support the improvement of the quality of human resources at the UNTAD Mathematics Study Program.
Work Skills
- Able to master the concept of mathematical thinking starting from a procedural / computational understanding to a broad understanding including exploration, logical reasoning, generalization, abstraction, and formal evidence.
- Be able to observe, recognize, formulate and solve problems through a mathematical approach with or without the help of software.
- Able to reconstruct, modify, analyze / think in a structured manner towards the mathematical problems of a system / problem, assessing accuracy and interpreting it.
- Able to take advantage of various mathematical problem solving alternatives that have been available independently or in groups for correct decision making.
- Able to adapt or develop themselves, both in mathematics and other relevant fields (including fields in his world of work).
- Able to plan, conduct and complete research independently or in groups in the field of mathematics or those related to other fields of science through exploration, logical reasoning, generalization, abstraction, formulations, analysis, and formal proof with or without the aid of software.
Mastery of Knowledge
- Mastering mathematical theoretical concepts including mathematical logic, mathematics discrete, algebra, analysis and geometry, as well as probability theory and statistics.
- Master the principles of mathematical modeling, program linear, differential equations, and numerical methods.
- Master the general concepts of a special field of mathematics including biology and environmental mathematics, cryptography, and graph theory.
Managerial Abilities
- Responsible for analyzing and solving problems in various scientific and applied fields of mathematics, particularly the ability to analyze industrial problems, dynamic systems modeling, cryptography.
- Able to plan and manage resources under their responsibility by utilizing knowledge and technology which includes formulations, analysis, and problem solving using mathematical formulas to produce strategic organizational development procedures.
General Abilities
- Be pious to the One True God.
- Have morals, ethics and good personality as well as anti KKN (corruption, collusion, nepotism) in completing the task.
- Acting as citizens who are proud and love their homeland and support world peace.
- Able to work together and have social sensitivity and high concern for society and the environment.
- Appreciate cultural diversity, views, trust, and religion and other people's original opinions / findings.
- Upholding law enforcement and having the spirit to put the interests of the nation and the wider community.
The Mathematics Study Program has a Group of Expertise Areas (KBK), that is:
- KBK Analisis
- KBK Algebra and Combinatorics
- CBC in Applied Mathematics
- KBK Statistika
In carrying out research the Mathematics Study Program is equipped with :
- Basic Computer Laboratory, equipped with air-conditioned room and 30 pentium computer unit 4 and dual core.
- Applied Mathematics Laboratory, equipped with air-conditioned room and 5 the latest generation dual core computer unit.
- Statistical Laboratory, equipped with air-conditioned room and 30 pentium computer unit 4 and dual core.
- Library, equipped with air-conditioned room and 2 computer unit equipped with various e-books, essay, thesis, dissertations and online journals.
- Apart from these facilities, in the environment of the UNTAD Mathematics Study Program, it is also equipped with Wifi which can be accessed for free, which must first have an account.
website : Mathematics Department
Bachelor of Chemistry Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Tadulako University is organized based on the permission of the Director General of Higher Education (Director General of Higher Education) Ministry of Education (Ministry of National Education) Number 685 / D / T / 2004 Date 18 February 2004. Present, The Undergraduate Chemistry Study Program has received accreditation B from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT).
This Undergraduate Chemistry Study Program was opened to participate in preparing human resources (HR) competent in chemistry. This is based on the fact that the potential is natural resources (SDA) which is abundant and diverse in the Eastern Region of Indonesia (KTI) has not been processed optimally, so that the need for bachelor of science in chemistry is absolutely necessary to increase the added value of natural resources owned by KTI, especially in the Central Sulawesi region.
The Chemistry S1 Study Program has a field of science, that is: Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Kimia Analytical, and Biochemistry, plus one multidisciplinary field of chemical development, namely Environmental Chemistry.
Realizing a chemistry study program that has a competitive and comparative advantage in empowering environmentally friendly natural resources.
- Organizing quality chemistry education, modern and following the development of science and technology.
- Carrying out research for the development of chemical science that can be applied in empowering natural resources for the welfare of society.
- Carrying out community service as an use of the results of chemical research needed in national and world development.
The Bachelor of Chemistry Study Program is held with the aim of producing bachelors of science with character and competence in the field of chemistry, both in science and in its professional and innovative application.
Graduates of the Undergraduate Chemistry Study Program are expected to have high competencies:
- Able to identify, analysis, and developing problem-solving related to chemistry and its application.
- Able to implement chemistry in supporting research related to scientific development and applied chemistry.
- Able to cultivate an entrepreneurial spirit in the natural resource-based chemical field.
- Able to continue education to a higher level.
In carrying out its mission, Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNTAD is equipped with adequate supporting facilities, among others:
Lecture facilities
Lecture facilities are managed by the Academic Sub Division of FMIPA UNTAD. Each room has white board facilities, and LCD. The Department of Chemistry also has a Department office, library, faculty and university libraries as well as undergraduate courtrooms which are equipped with various facilities.
The laboratory room in the Department / Prodi S1 Chemistry is:
- Physical Chemistry and Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory
- Analytical Chemistry Laboratory
- Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry Laboratory
- Research Laboratory
The laboratory is equipped with various glassware, magnetic stirrer, oven digital, analytical scales, , refrigerator dan freeze, melting point apparatus, Rotavapor, analytical oven and kiln. Chemical Laboratory is also equipped with instrumentation such as AAS (Atomic Absortion Spectrometer), Centrifuge, Turbidimeter, pH-meter, UV-Vis spectrophotometer, Bomb Calorimeter, FTIR, HPLC, Spectronic-20, Ekstraktor Kejhdal, Distillator, dan Freeze Dryer.
website : Department of Chemistry
The Department of Biology is one of the Departments in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA). Since the issuance of the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia No. 3743/D / T / 2006 regarding operational permits for the Department of Biology, FMIPA UNTAD, dated: 28 September 2006. Starting in September 2009 Biology Study Program officially becomes the Department of Biology which is validated by the Decree of the Rector of Tadulako University Number 4031 / H28 / KP / 2009.
Making the Biology Department of FMIPA UNTAD an excellent institution in education, Biodiversity research and development, Environmental Biology, Biotechnology and Biomedical Sciences based on the Potential of Local Living Natural Resources, In order to produce graduates with a tough personality (they have high abilities and skills, mastering his field of work, flexible in relationships, intelligent, can be trusted and responsible as well as Strong Faith) in the face of global competition.
Organizing education, research and development, as well as quality community service in the biosciences, biotechnology and environment.
Based on the vision and mission above, then specifically the educational objectives of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNTAD Department are:
- Organizing a biological education system that produces competitive quality graduates at national and international standards.
- Continuously improving the quality of the Department of biology to reach international standards.
- Increase and improve the quality and cooperation with various institutions both national and international.
- Improve the quality and quantity of human resources, equipment, infrastructure to support the implementation of the Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi.
Competencies of graduates who want to be formed using this curriculum, compiled based on the essential characteristics of Biology and the characteristics of a Biologist who is engaged in Biology.
Some of those features are: Biology includes observational activities, understanding and forecasting or predicting natural phenomena. These activities are manifested in the form of theoretical scientific activities of biologists, experimental and applicable. In activities that are theoretical, experimental and applicable, a biologist utilizes the help of Mathematics and computational skills. Biology is an empirical science so it cannot be separated from the skill of doing experiments. In addition, because biology studies very basic natural phenomena, for example, from the molecular level of organization to the biome level organization, then it cannot be separated from the ability to think philosophically which is arranged and translated into mathematical language, by carrying out various activities in the field of Biology will bring benefits to one's personal development, for example, it can build problem-solving skills, logical and analytical thinking skills and the ability to be independent.
Based on the essential characteristics of Biology and the Biologists who do it, compiled the competencies of undergraduate graduates (S1) Biology FMIPA which is expected to be achieved through the implementation of lectures based on the curriculum 2012 Department of Biology, FMIPA, as follows:
Aspects of Knowledge and Understanding
- Understand and know the concepts that underlie Modern Biology which includes understanding various aspects of life from the molecular level to the Biome level.
- Understand and know the concepts that underlie Modern Biology, which includes the theory of relativity and the concept of biology.
- Understand and know the use of Biological concepts and their problems at various levels of the system, starting from the Molecular system, cell, organ, organ system, network, individual, population, Community, Ecosystem, and Biome.
- Understand and know various basic experiments and some advanced experiments in Biology.
- Understand and know the various branches of chemistry and pharmacy needed to master various branches of biology.
- Understand and know some of the latest concepts in Modern Biology and / or Biology applications in the field of Animal Science, agriculture, medical, food and health sector.
Aspects of Intellectual Thinking Skills
- Skilled in identifying a Biological problem expressed in the concepts of Biology.
- Skilled in making assumptions / hypotheses on a Biological problem.
- Skilled in planning and designing experiments in the field of Biology and concluding the results of these experiments.
- Skilled in formulating the application of Biology to solve natural problems and problems in human life both qualitatively and quantitatively.
Aspects of Practice Skills
- Skilled in observing natural phenomena.
- Skilled in conducting Biological experiments at the basic level as well as at an advanced level along with their analysis.
- Skilled in using mathematics in describing various symptoms- Biological symptoms.
- Skilled in the use of Information and Communication Technology.
Managerial Ability Aspects
- Have the ability to present, communicate and provide arguments on a concept / idea related to the field of Biology in Indonesian and in English.
- Have the ability to work independently or collaborate in a work team / research team.
- Have the ability to supervise and direct a practicum / experiment in the field of Biology.
Attitude Aspects
- Have a believing personality, pious, and virtuous.
- Have an empathetic attitude, respect and respect for fellow human beings.
- Have a pro attitude towards the balance of the environment and the natural surroundings.
Sources of funds for the management of the Department and the teaching and learning process activities are funded by operational funds sourced from universities managed by the faculty. The faculty has allocated buildings in the faculty to each- each department in each department. The existing building includes a lecture hall, laboratory, library, and faculty libraries.
In an effort to improve the quality of the management of the Department, an information system in the form of a LAN is currently being developed (local areal networking) or on- campus connectivity devices along with UNTAD web and internet network improvements (global connectivity devices) in the UNTAD environment. This means of communication is intended to create an efficient and effective performance to disseminate information to the entire academic community. other than that, to assist lecturers and students in accessing information and other needs in order to increase their scientific competence. In an effort to increase the competitiveness of graduates, The Biology Department implements a curriculum that requires students to take Computer courses.
Information technology within the Department has been utilized as efficiently as possible in accordance with the availability of existing devices. Lecturers have used internet facilities to enrich and update lecture materials. Lecturers have also provided websites that support course materials for students to access themselves.
Basic Biology Laboratory
The Basic Biology Service Unit serves General Biology Practicum for semester I and II students of the Biology Department and students from outside the Department of Biology, both from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and outside the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Tadulako.
Tri Dharma Education and Teaching is implemented with independent practicum (open ended) and collective practicum. The open-ended practicum was carried out by means of students preparing tools, carry out the experiment and analysis independently, while the practicum topic was given by the supervisor.
Regular practicum is carried out collectively, implemented according to schedule and guided by assistants and lecturers. This practicum model is followed by students in semester I and students in semester II, who are members of the General Biology practicum group for students other than the Department of Biology. This time, The General Biology Practicum is attended by students from various departments and study programs, namely Health Sciences,Physics, Chemistry, Pharmacy Study Program and Biology Department.
Praktikum semi open-ended, is a regular practicum with an emphasis on the independence of the participants. This practicum model is evaluated with a preliminary test, internship, journal, reports and responses. The Basic Biology Services Unit also provides workshops on Biology practicum. This unit also produces practical manuals and General Biology hand outs.
Advanced Biology Laboratory
This laboratory for advanced subjects is devoted to student practicum activities over the semester 3 Department of Biology, FMIPA. Each of these laboratories is led by a Unit Chair who is responsible for all laboratory equipment and activities. These advanced laboratories are the Biotechnology Laboratory., Environmental Biology, Biodiversity, and the Biomedical Laboratory. This advanced Biology Laboratory is used to support all practicum activities, student research and lecturer research.
website : Department of Biology
The Pharmacy Study Program begins with the opening of the Undergraduate Study Program (S1) Pharmacy at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Tadulako University through the Decree of the Chancellor of Tadulako University No.2494 / H28 / KP / 2008. Admission of the first batch of pharmacy students takes place in the academic year 2009/2010, with Mrs. Dra. Hj. Nurlina Ibrahim |, Apt as Head of Pharmacy Studies Program for the assignment period 2009 – 2013. Follow up the realization of the University and Faculty development program, Pharmacy Studies Program Faculty of MIPA, Tadulako University (PS PHARMACY UNTAD) since date 5 April 2011 in accordance with the Decree number: 67/E / O / 2011, has obtained an operational permit. As a new study program, The Tadulako University Pharmacy Study Program is structurally under the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences to help develop the institutional functions, The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Tadulako University Pharmacy Study Program has entered into a cooperation agreement with the Faculty of Pharmacy, Hasanuddin University Makassar.
Year 2024 become a superior study program in eastern Indonesia in providing pharmaceutical education and community service based on research and development of natural medicine.
- Organizing a quality education and teaching system in order to produce creative graduates, innovative, and adaptive so that they are able to compete in eastern Indonesia in particular and at the national level in general.
- Develop scientific research and pharmaceutical products with competitive natural ingredients through the use of natural resources.
- Applying pharmaceutical science, both independently and in collaboration with other disciplines in solving health and environmental problems.
- Establishing cooperation with government and private institutions both at home and abroad includes education (teaching), research, and community service.
- Producing qualified graduate graduates of pharmacy so that they can compete nationally and internationally.
- To produce quality scientific research and pharmaceutical products that can be scientifically justified.
- Increasing the professionalism of teaching staff in conducting pharmaceutical teaching and research that is oriented towards community service activities.
- Increasing the quality and quantity of cooperation with government and private institutions, both from within and outside the country that support community service activities based on pharmaceutical education and research.
The field of pharmaceutical expertise is managed and developed in a science development laboratory consisting of:
Pharmacognosy-Phytochemical Laboratory
This section discusses the development and utilization of natural ingredients as a source of medicinal ingredients. Therefore, its development needs to be supported by a strong mastery of basic natural sciences, especially plant morphology and systematics, plant anatomy and physiology, organic chemistry, biochemistry and chemical analysis.
The development of pharmacognosy is emphasized on the discovery of new efficacious medicinal plants and the standardization of medicinal ingredients used traditionally to be developed into phytopharmaca.. Next, the field of phytochemistry develops research on the content of nutritious chemical compounds in plants, animals and minerals, including marine life, including biosynthesis, isolation, purification, identification and elucidation of chemical structures in order to produce medicinal raw materials.
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Laboratory
This section studies medicinal substances from the chemical aspects of compounds which include chemical properties, physical properties and structure related to activity as a drug, and chemical synthesis, and physicochemical analysis, the development of this field requires a strong foundation, especially organic chemistry, synthetic organic chemistry, Chemical analysis, physical chemistry, and pharmacology.
In general terms, the scope of development of this field can be identified to be 3 group, that is (1) development of medicinal compounds, (2) analysis process that includes inspection and control of drug quality, as well as the development of analytical methods, and (3) chemical interactions between drugs and the human body.
Pharmaceutical Laboratory
This section learns about the science of recipes, formulation and drug dosage form technology, as well as handling and control of medicinal and food / beverage products. So basically a pharmaceutical laboratory includes the development and production of drugs and food / beverages that are more efficient and effective for the maintenance and restoration of health..
Drug formulation studies the methods and techniques of formulation starting from the selection of medicinal raw materials and auxiliary materials by taking into account physical and chemical properties, mixing techniques and all processes related to preparation of preparations, and evaluation in order to produce medicinal products in effective and stable preparations during storage. The form of preparation technology refers to the Drug Delivery System which requires a specific form of preparation to be reviewed in terms of its usefulness (bioavailabilitas).
Pharmacology-Biopharmaceutical Laboratory
This section examines the pharmacological and toxicological effects for the purpose of assessment and evaluation of accuracy, security, the potential and rational use of natural materials, synthesis results, and drug preparations. Assessment of pharmacological and toxicological effects includes determination of pharmacodynamic parameters, toxicology, mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics biopharmaceuticals, and drug interactions.
Pharmaceutical Microbiology Laboratory
This section examines important aspects of microbiology related to the pharmaceutical field; understanding and principles of classification method, identification of microorganisms; characteristics of microorganisms; growth traits, mechanism of action of microorganisms, resistance to antimicroorganisms, learn about the scope of microbiological analysis, especially with regard to the quality aspects of pharmaceutical and food / beverage preparations. Description of the aspects of the pharmaceutical microbiological testing method, quantitative analysis of microorganisms related to pharmacy, phenol coefficient test, testing of raw materials and drug auxiliaries, antibiotic potency testing, testing of traditional medicinal preparations, food and beverage testing.
Website : Department of Pharmacy
The Undergraduate Statistics Study Program is a new Study Program under the Mathematics Department at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Tadulako University (UNTAD). In the year 2009 The Undergraduate Mathematics Study Program received accreditation B from the National Accreditation Board so that the Mathematics Department established the Statistics Study Program in 1999 2012.
The Statistics Study Program excels regionally, National and international in statistical scientific research and its application to strengthening and realizing community service in the year 2030.
To achieve the above vision, the Statistics Study Program of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Tadulako University has the following mission :
Develop, running and maintaining the continuity of the Untad FMIPA Statistics Study Program to excel in the Tri Darma of Higher Education through new relevant innovations in statistics learning.
Organizing an education system in the field of Statistics to produce graduates who are professional and independent in statistical science and its application and have holistic insights and are able to adapt to changes in science and technology.
Cultivate, develop, and carry out a research culture in groups in the field of statistics expertise in order to improve scientific work, regionally recognized multidisciplinary and application practices, national and / or international.
Cultivate, develop, and carry out mutually beneficial cooperation with various parties including the community and both local government, national, regional or international in scientific research and application of Statistics.
Objectives of the Statistics Study Program, The Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Tadulako University is:
- Organizing a statistical education system that produces superior graduates in the scientific field and its application, job market and jellies to take advantage of business opportunities.
- Producing statistical scholars who are adaptive to the development of science and technology, able to continue studies in the field of statistics and other related fields, literate in ICT, have a commitment, self-confidence, emotional maturity and high work ethic.
- Developing the object of statistical study and its continuous application to achieve regional recognition, national and / or international.
- Improve the quality and quantity of human resources, equipment, facilities and infrastructure to support the implementation of the Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi towards national and / or international recognized work results.
- Increase cooperation and improve the quality of links with domestic institutions, nationally and internationally to support the improvement of the quality of human resources in the Statistics Study Program.
PS Statistics has a Study Division Group (KBK), that is:
- KBK Social Statistics and Government
- KBK Business and Economic Statistics
- KBK Environmental Statistics, Population and Health
- CBC Computational Statistics
In implementing education, Research and community service Statistics PS is equipped with :
- Basic Computer Laboratory, equipped with air-conditioned room and 30 pentium computer unit 4 and dual core.
- Statistical Laboratory, equipped with air-conditioned room and 30 pentium computer unit 4 and dual core.
- Library, equipped with air-conditioned room and 2 computer unit equipped with various e-books, essay, thesis, dissertations and online journals.
Apart from these facilities, in the PS Statistics FMIPA UNTAD environment is also equipped with Wifi which can be accessed for free, which must first have an account.
website :